Moment-resisting Connections

Loading Inputs

Design axial force Hd

The design axial force on the connection, in kN.

It is assumed the force is applied at the centre of gravity of the connection.

The default direction of the axial force vector is to the right. This is algebraic, a negative value will give the opposite direction to the vector.

Design shear force Vd

The design shear force on the connection, in kN.

It is assumed the force is applied at the centre of gravity of the connection.

The default direction of the shear force vector is upwards. This is algebraic, a negative value will give the opposite direction to the vector.

Design moment Md

The design moment on the connection, in kNm.

It is assumed the moment is applied at the centre of gravity of the connection.

The default direction of the moment vector is clockwise. This is algebraic, a negative value will give the opposite direction to the vector.

Angle φ

The angle φ between the axial force and the plane, in degrees.

Load duration class

The load duration class, as defined in Clause

Service class

The service class, taking into account the temperature and relative humidity of the environment, as described in Clause


Factor kmod taking into account the effect of the duration of the loads and the moisture content, according to Clause 3.1.3.